Tinman Learning



What is Arithmemouse Times Tables?

Arithmemouse Times Tables is a multiplication game that facilitates teaching children multiplication facts. Arithmemouse Times Tables can run on Windows 7, 8, and 10 machines.

Arithmemouse Button
Teaches multiplication facts 0 - 12
Arithmemouse Button
Not just a drill. Focuses on learning first and testing second.
Arithmemouse Button
Nonviolent with light puzzles.
Arithmemouse Low System Requirements
Arithmemouse Button
Life meters and punishment for failure are both absent.
  Arithmemouse Download
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Click on thumbnails to enlarge.

Digital PC Download

Only $4.99


Facilitates teaching multiplication facts 0-12

Children can play without an internet connection.

Windows / PC

Arithmemouse Times Tables Game Animated Screen Grabs
Learning multiplication facts helps give children the confidence that can then be used to master other academic challenges.




Creator of Arithmemouse here. I once got a parent's email informing  me that her child told her after playing Arithmemouse Times Tables for a few days, "I don't know how, but I know my times tables now." I was so happy to read that. That's what I worked hard to do-- to make a game where the learning is seamless with playing-- one where the learning is not lost
-- one that makes your job of teaching easier. Write me at galen100 [at] sbcglobal.net if you have any questions.

Thank you.
Galen Tingle
Have a Mac or something Apple mobile? Try Times Tables Warp:
 For support, write me at galen100 [at] sbcglobal.net . Thank you.

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